Cybersecurity Table-Top Exercises

Rebuilding private-public relationships while actively expanding existing positives

IST does not accept the argument that there is an irreparable divide between technology companies and Washington D.C. Quite simply, there are differing cultures across all domains—we embrace that fact and thrive on it. More importantly, we accept that technology is moving faster than policy can keep up, which requires trustworthy venues for the honest and earnest exchange of ideas and tools.

As part of our ongoing initiatives to combat threats in cyberspace, IST conducts public-private cybersecurity table-top exercises (CTTXs) to examine current trends and potential future crises. These games force players to actively imagine the seemingly inconceivable, what is in the realm of possible solutions, question their assumptions, and collaborate with others that tend to only exist outside their comfort zones. Our provide is a reinvigorated approach to solving 21st century challenges through a time-tested and proven method:

  • Vertical integration between network operators implementing ground-level technical solutions and government officials responsible for higher-level public protection,
  • Horizontal reach across sectors to coordinate response, share information and utilize available tools,
  • In-game focus on geopolitical responses and policy decisions.

Building trusted personal relationships and deepening understanding across sectors is necessary to prepare at all levels for facing the inevitable crises of the future.

If you want to learn more about how IST can host a CTTX for you or if you are interested in sponsoring one of our CTTX’s please email the team at [email protected] and place CTTX Inquiry in the Subject line.