DPRK’s NC3 System
Myeongguk Cheon
In this essay, Dr. Myeongguk Cheon describes what is known about North Korea’s NC3 system. Although North Korea has declared completion of national nuclear power and is expanding its nuclear forces qualitatively and quantitatively, there is increased interest about the command and control system of its nuclear force. However, there is nothing officially declared about North Korea’s command and control of its nuclear forces. Civilian research on this topic is also limited. Hence, it is difficult to make a clear assessment of whether North Korea is building a nuclear command, control, and communications system, (NC3) system or has already completed one.
Thus far, North Korea seems to have taken two meaningful actions related to their NC3 system. Relevant laws were made and the military organization was renewed. Cheon concludes, “Regarding the DPRK’s NC3 system, however, many questions remain unanswered, even though it is clearly identified who has the final approval authority and what forces operates delivery systems for the employment of nuclear weapons.”
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