Cyber Incident Reporting Framework: Global Edition
Cyber Threat Alliance, Institute for Security and Technology
This guide to cybersecurity incident reporting develops a model reporting format that cybersecurity authorities and other government authorities worldwide could use as the foundation for their national reporting frameworks and regulatory language.
Last fall, multiple industry organizations led by the Cyber Threat Alliance (CTA) and the Institute for Security and Technology (IST) came together to provide input regarding cyber incident reporting for US entities. This group identified a set of principles and developed a model reporting format that the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) could use as the foundation for its incident reporting regulations. This updated, global edition of the framework builds off that first document that CTA and IST released in November 2022, and adds significant contextual discussion.
Thank you to the following organizations for their support: Chainalysis, Ciphertrace, CREST, Cybera, Cybercrime Support Network, and CyberPeace Institute
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