Virtual Library

Our virtual library is an online repository of all of the reports, papers, and briefings that IST has produced, as well as works that have influenced our thinking.

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TechnologIST Talks: Looking Back and Looking Ahead: Deep Dive on the New Cybersecurity Executive Order

Carole House, Megan Stifel, and Steve Kelly



TechnologIST Talks: The Offense-Defense Balance

Philip Reiner and Heather Adkins



The Generative Identity Initiative: Exploring Generative AI’s Impact on Cognition, Society, and the Future

Gabrielle Tran, Eric Davis



TechnologIST Talks: A Transatlantic Perspective on Quantum Tech

Megan Stifel and Markus Pflitsch



TechnologIST Talks: The Future is Quantum

Megan Stifel and Stefan Leichenauer



Navigating AI Compliance, Part 1: Tracing Failure Patterns in History

Mariami Tkeshelashvili, Tiffany Saade



TechnologIST Talks: The Cleantech Boom

Steve Kelly and Dr. Alex Gagnon


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May 2023 Progress Report: Ransomware Task Force: Gaining Ground

Ransomware Task Force


Two years after publishing Combating Ransomware: A Comprehensive Framework for Action, we have seen impressive moves by industry, U.S., and partner governments toward implementing the initial 48 recommendations. In particular, we have seen continued commitment to combat this threat through the following actions: 

  • Increasing public-private and government-to-government collaboration on disruptive activity
  • Increasing focus on reporting and information sharing
  • Ongoing efforts to reduce some of the risks posed by cryptocurrency

We have also seen significant change across the ransomware landscape. Governments have taken action to prioritize ransomware defenses and investigations; victims have changed their responses; and threat actors have evolved, not only in terms of who they affiliate with, but also in terms of their tactics and the size and geographic location of their targets. 

This report walks readers through the RTF’s second year, acknowledging tremendous shifts in the ecosystem, especially in light of the war in Ukraine, and highlights key areas of progress. Whereas last year’s progress report captured the early wins of an anti-ransomware campaign, this year we grappled with the more elusive goal of sustaining success against evolving challenges. 

Lastly, this report also outlines areas to watch in the next year, including:

  • Sustaining focus on collecting and sharing ransomware data
  • Improving baseline cybersecurity across the ecosystem
  • Reexamining existing incentive structures
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